The Ovamboland was an autonomous homeland located in northern Namibia between 1973 and 1989. It consisted of African Ovambo ethnicity.
In May 1989 the Ovamboland is reincorporated into Namibia. It was later reorganized into four regions (Omusati, Ohangwena, Oshana, Oshikoto) who are commonly known as Ovamboland.
Ovambo Ovamboland mean country.
The Ovamboland was in northern Namibia. It was bordered by Angola to the north by Namibia to the south and the Kaokoveld Bantustans in the West and the East Kavangoland.
The area, flat and sandy, is suitable for agriculture although rainfall is generally quite low (500 mm / year average).
The vegetation consists of savannah dotted with trees more and more gradually as it moves north. An array of wildlife is present, attracted by the lush vegetation that grows in the rainy season during the austral winter.
A river runs through the center temporarily Ovamboland and goes into the bowl of Etosha, on the other side of the border South.